Google Cardboard: virtual reality for all audiences

Google Cardboard: virtual reality for all audiences

The Google Cardboard is a virtual reality glasses to view content and applications in 360º on mobile devices. Simply through Youtube or downloading an App from a mobile device, inserting the device into the glasses, you can enjoy exciting experiences.

The Google product, with a simple cardboard, Velcro strips and a rubber band, allows you to approach the sensations of any other type of glasses. These offer a convincing three-dimensional sensation and great immersion.
google cardboard vr

The price of Google Cardboard is very low. They can be found starting at two euros. Also, the accuracy and quality is not as high as in other devices. The experience is, even so, very good, and allows to make virtual reality more accessible to everyone. This is the beginning of the road, as you will be left wanting an even more realistic experience and will adopt another type of more complex and powerful glasses.

Companies have high expectations for virtual reality in relation to their marketing strategy and ensure that it will allow them to energize their activity.

The following are some of the existing variants of these glasses from other manufacturers that big brands have used for their communication:


Google Cardboard: McDonald's

McDonald's, the fast-food chain is betting on virtual reality. The happy little Happy Meal box becomes virtual reality glasses similar to Google Cardboard to enjoy innovative experiences.

McDonald's proposal is called "Happy Goggles", and comes complete with a ski game that is controlled by left-to-right movements with the head.

That action took place in Sweden for $5 and the company hopes to bring the experience to more countries.


Google Cardboard: Nesquik

Brands have it clear. Contacting the child audience is very important. For this reason, Nesquik has introduced Google Cardboard in its marketing strategy. We are talking about cardboard glasses that you can get by simply buying a pack of Nesquik of 2 or 3 kilos.

Do you want to live experiences like the young people in the video? Simply by buying a pack of Nesquik, everything will be possible.


google cardboard nesquik


Google Cardboard: Audi

Audi is another brand using virtual reality glasses is its dealerships. The German firm does not want to move away from the latest technology, proof of this are the Google Cardboard.

The main use that Audi intends to achieve with its strategy is to be able to turn them into a portable display, allowing salespeople to reach all types of buyers with simple glasses as a sales tool.


Google Cardboard: Oscar Mayer

Oscar Mayer, a brand belonging to Campofrío, is also betting on technology. Traveling in space while encountering the most extravagant beings is possible thanks to the new Google glasses. Fans of the brand will be able to move as they wish and flip like never before.

With the purchase of three Oscar Mayer products, the brand will give away virtual reality glasses made of cardboard that they can attach to their smartphone to be part of the short film.


Google Cardboard: Grandes Vinos

Grandes Vinos, an Aragonese company, is also committed to technology. Google Cardboard makes it possible. Put on your glasses and enjoy a roller coaster ride through the vineyards, you will also be in contact with a barrel room next to the best wines. You will live an unforgettable wine hyperexperience.


With a simple cardboard and some simple lenses it is possible to live experiences and immerse yourself in a world full of imagination and fun.

This is just the beginning!

Try them and experience all kinds of sensations.

Welcome to the Hyperexperience.


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