Innovating: the art of knowing what to do at any given moment

Innovating: the art of knowing what to do at any given moment


The Cariñena winery Grandes Vinos, a client of DeuSens for almost 2 years now, is a perfect example of a company that believes and knows that in the world we live in it is necessary to innovate and communicate what you do. And do it well. In terms of marketing, they are up to date with all the novelties in advertising that appear in the market. We have created virtual reality hyper-experiences for them.

At the risk of being innovative per se, the winery does not fall into the temptation of clinging to the latest on the market, but knows all the audiovisual alternatives. We, from DeuSens, work with them to do what is most appropriate at each moment, focusing on the narrative, on the content created for each situation.

In this case we present different spots we have made with them with different objectives:

El Circo - "Enjoy the diversity"

El Circo is a collection of wines created by Grandes Vinos. They themselves describe it as follows:

"The wine collection El Circo, was born with the idea of expressing through the different grape varieties, the emotion and magic that takes place inside the circus tent. It is composed of 9 varietal wines, each one related to a circus discipline, which have been grouped together to create a joint show. The brand is completed by the Director who, made with the two emblematic native varieties and a brief time in oak, leads the show. The vibrant, colorful and always surprising performances, full of talent and diversity of its artists have inspired our El Circo brand to be able to convey the same feelings and emotions to anyone who tastes our varietals: young, entertaining, fresh, fruity and expressing the maximum typicity of each variety."

Under this premise, Grandes Vinos placed the singular world in which El Circo is introduced as the central axis of its positioning strategy. From that point, we made the proposal you can see below.


Beso de vino - Change of label

After several years with the label designed by Kukutxumusu, Beso de Vino's Toro Antonio changes decor. This spot was made to show that label change. We took as a narrative starting point the introduction of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey."


Beso de vino - Holland

Grandes Vinos needed promotional material for its Wine Kiss range to send to Holland, where it markets many of its products. On this occasion, the objective was to participate in a competition for wine sector advertisements focused on young audiences. Using virtual reality on this occasion was more problems than solutions: it involved sending a device by mail, higher budget content, sending directions... we depended on too many factors. Therefore, we opted to use a format that was easy to display and just as powerful: a digital video with the focus on the winery's impact on young people around the world.


What is innovation?

Every situation in a company implies a different way of exploiting it. We must be able to choose the right one. Sometimes it will be necessary to innovate in the medium we use to tell the story, other times in the way we tell it.

To innovate is not to be trendy or to follow trends just for the sake of it. To innovate means to know the lines that the present leads us to think about where the future is going, and to anticipate them. Being aware that they exist, knowing why they are going in a certain direction, and knowing when, how and why to use them.

Everything in its place.

Every place in its time, my friend.

Welcome to the Hyperexperience.

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