Oculus Story Studio - In search of a new cinematic language

Oculus Story Studio - In search of a new cinematic language

Oculus Story Studio

Do you know what the new Oculus project is all about? Oculus Story Studio will not fail to surprise you.

A language is an arbitrary union between signifier and signified, that something means something. And it has always been in our hand to decide it.

The cinema was articulated, little by little, through the shot measure, composition, camera movement, editing, light and sound. Literature with words, punctuation marks, paragraphs and chapters. Dance with the body. Music with the intensity, color and speed of sound. All of them are enjoyed -sensorially- in a given space. They always occur in the same place. That is to say, the observer has no influence on how the artistic experience takes place -not, at least, in a literal sense. Perhaps, but not entirely, the only one that could be considered outside of this is literature.

Storytelling in Virtual Reality Oculus Story Studio

In order to understand it better, let's delve a little deeper. Let's imagine a medium in which the space of the artistic work is not limited in any way. It is drawn completely around the viewer in its 360 degrees. How to articulate a total language?

And if, in addition, this language is to be based on image and sound, how to exploit the infinite choices that the viewer can make during the course of the work? Oculus Story Studio has been working since last January with the best 3D artists, story-tellers, technological developers... All this to provide answers to all these questions; they intend to mutate the traditional cinematic medium to VR; to introduce the viewer inside the films.


Pixar of virtual reality

In order to achieve this, they have to invent a new cinematographic language. One that forgets everything they've learned over the last hundred years, that forgets about video montages, about filming for the sake of filming, about fireworks to make bad stories. One that only takes into account the spectator. It is that everything, absolutely all the pieces that compose the artistic work are, not at the service, but to the slavery of the spectator. One that develops by leaps and bounds in body and soul to make us live impossible moments.

Oculus Story Studio has a long road ahead. They call it the Pixar of Virtual Reality. We hope you will soon find the new cinematographic language.


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