Pokémon GO: augmented reality adventure video game

Pokémon GO: augmented reality adventure video game

Pokémon Go, the augmented reality adventure video game, was born as a prank by Google in 2014. It was developed on April Fool's Day, an equivalent of April Fool's Day. On this day, demos of invented products are created. However, what the Google Maps workers, the ones who came up with the prank, were not aware of was that this simple prank would end up in a game. But a game that would spark interest in all corners of the world.

The video below is the demo that these artists created.


Pokémon Go revolutionizes and sweeps the world

The augmented reality adventure game, Pokémon Go, becomes one of the most successful technological products of this decade. Shares of video game maker Nintendo are up as much as 76% since the July 6 launch. These are truly astonishing figures. They represent its highest revaluation since Nintendo's debut on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1983.

Another fact to note is that the number of active users of Pokémon Go is already close to reaching that of Twitter. In addition, Pokémon Go has already registered more installations during these first days of availability than Tinder. This is one of the most downloaded mobile applications on these devices. As can be seen, the game's figures are staggering, and that's even though it has only been officially launched in the US, Australia and New Zealand.


The boom of Pokémon GO still has a long way to go, as they are not satisfied with just mobile and are already considering other possibilities beyond. One would expect the experience to expand to bring other devices into play.

The great success of this game highlights the importance of augmented reality in the field of video games. Today, due to the great advances it is making, it is being implemented in many more areas.

There is still everything to be discovered with this type of technology!


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