Use of generative AI in marketing and events | DeuSens at SEG3 London

Use of generative AI in marketing and events | DeuSens at SEG3 London

DeuSens' outstanding participation in SEG3 London

DeuSens has set a new milestone at SEG3, Europe's leading conference dedicated to digital experiences in sports, entertainment and gaming. This annual event, held in both London and Los Angeles, attracts the industry's leading brands and professionals, making it an essential meeting point for innovation and the exchange of ideas.

This year, as part of our participation in this prestigious event, part of our team had the opportunity to showcase the variety of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality solutions that we usually develop, but in addition, our generative AI Hyperexperience stood out, shown for the first time and exclusively at this event. Throughout this blog we will tell you more about it.

In addition to being able to showcase our most outstanding virtual solutions and projects in a setting that is hard to match, the event organizers also selected and decided to have our COO and co-founder, Álvaro Antoñanzas, as a speaker at the event, having the opportunity to show and tell the public about our work methodology and how it allows us to explore the latest technological trends and be pioneers in offering brands the most innovative experiences.

Introducing Hyperexperience with Generative AI

At SEG3 London, DeuSens introduced our latest breakthrough innovation: the Hyperexperience with generative AI. This technological breakthrough redefines the way brands can interact with their audiences, offering personalized and highly interactive experiences. During the two-day event, attendees had the opportunity to experience this revolutionary technology first-hand.

How did this solution work?

The HyperExperience with generative AI allows participants to immerse themselves in a unique and personalized experience. The process is simple but impactful: by taking a selfie and choosing their favorite topic-whether sports, entertainment or gaming-our generative AI creates personalized posters that attendees can take away as a unique souvenir of the event. This interaction not only surprises and delights, but also establishes a deeper emotional connection between brand and consumer.

SEG3 Experience: A resounding success

SEG3 London was the perfect setting to showcase the potential of HyperExperience with generative AI. With the presence of influential brands such as Hugo Boss, Universal, Mastercard, Epic Games, FIFA and Hasbro, DeuSens was able to demonstrate how technology can transform the way events are developed and experienced. Attendees were impressed with the ability of AI to personalize and enhance the user experience, marking a before and after in experiential marketing.

Hyperexperience details

Hyperexperience was not only focused on the creation of personalized posters. The generative AI used is able to analyze preferences and behaviors in real time, tailoring the experience to each individual. This includes everything from product recommendations to creating interactive content that keeps the user engaged. The combination of these capabilities allows for an immersive experience that goes beyond the conventional.

Feedback from attendees

Feedback from attendees was extremely positive. Many highlighted the novelty and quality of the experience, noting that they had never seen anything similar at other events. The feedback gathered reflected a high level of satisfaction and a growing interest in how AI can improve interactions and experiences in the future.

Taking AI to new horizons

At DeuSens we have been collaborating for months with brands to explore the possibilities that generative AI can offer in their upcoming events. Imagine being able to offer your attendees an unforgettable experience that combines the most advanced technology with a high level of personalization. AI can transform every interaction into a unique opportunity to connect and amaze. If you are interested in integrating AI into your marketing strategy, don't hesitate to contact us. We are ready to help you create events that really stand out.

Celebrating a decade of innovation

The participation in this SEG3 London, in addition, has been even more special in the framework of our tenth anniversary, reaffirming our leadership in the development of Hiperexperiences worldwide.

In these 10 years we have been able to work with some of the most innovative brands in the world, such as Telefónica, L'Oréal, FNAC Spain and Audi, and this reinforces our commitment to innovation and excellence that allows us to remain at the forefront of technology and experiential marketing.

Throughout these ten years, we have continuously evolved, adopting the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver experiences that truly impress.

The future of experiential marketing

DeuSens' participation in SEG3 not only underscores our dedication to innovation, but also highlights the impact that generative AI can have on the future of marketing. AI allows us to deliver an unprecedented level of personalization, resulting in increased customer engagement and loyalty. We are excited for what's to come and will continue to explore new ways to connect and surprise audiences through technology.

DeuSens' presence at SEG3 was a testament to how innovation and technology can transform experiential marketing. Hyperexperience with generative AI proved to be a powerful tool for creating deeper and more meaningful connections with consumers. As we move forward, we will continue to lead the way in developing personalized and exciting experiences, redefining what is possible in the marketing world.

Interested in trying a demo of this solution for your next event? Drop us a line and check out the magic of generative AI.

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