PlayStation VR: Sony invited us to try them out

PlayStation VR: Sony invited us to try them out

We have been working with virtual reality for almost two years, and last week we tested PlayStation VR. During this time, we have incorporated new technologies into our lab. We have also carried out projects with all of them. At this point we can say that we have been part of this since the beginning. And, thanks to being part of a new wave from the beginning, we are lucky to be invited to places before others. Last week we were invited by Sony Spain. We were going to test their PlayStation VR. And this is what happened.

Lived experience

We were able to try three different games.

In the first one, we were a dinosaur chasing some little robots. I had to go knocking down buildings with my head to eliminate them. Apart from the odd whiplash - perhaps due to lack of habit or the great physical shape we were in - the immersion is incredible. It's really fun to apply virtual reality with PlayStation VR in this way.

Then, we were able to get into the skin of a special agent pursued by a gang of mobsters. We were escaping from them by car, in the passenger seat. That's when we realized: this can also be very big on a game console. We had our doubts because the performance of game consoles is nowhere near that of PCs, but it's more than good enough. The content and the experience of playing them is such that it takes very little to enjoy like children.

The last game we were able to try was a scary one, in which we traveled in a kind of witch's train and we were attacked by a giant who had set traps for us. And this is a different story. Soon we will talk about terror in virtual reality. The immersion is so great that the authorities are forcing to lower the horror content for risk of physical and psychological disorders. That's nothing.


PlayStation VR is the improved version of Sony Morpheus

PlayStation VR is the derivation of Project Morpheus, the prototype virtual reality helmet that Sony showed just over a year ago. Now they've improved it a lot - though it still lacks polishing details - to such an extent that they're ready to launch it on the market later this year.

virtual reality glasses playstation vr


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