Immersive Storytelling with Virtual Reality | Hyperexperience for Bergner




Bergner Europe is a company of Austrian origin specialized in household products and leader in the kitchen category whose Spanish headquarters are located in Zaragoza. Since its creation in 1999, its initiatives include the Cook & Chef Institute foundation, created with the aim of promoting research among cooking professionals and business sectors related to gastronomy.


Show the brand's business lines and products in a disruptive and more interactive way, achieving a greater brand-customer connection through the use of Virtual Reality.


Inmersive Technologies

Immersive Storytelling with Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality was born to become a fundamental technology to create the stories of the future. So far we have talked about shopping experiences, about what people live, feel and think during the purchase process or once they have already acquired the products.

But Virtual Reality transcends all senses and generates for the public new ways of relating to brands, achieving a greater impact and engagement than through any other channel or traditional advertising method. Virtual Reality glasses are called by some experts as "empathy machines", for their ability to generate emotions and feelings in the user that get him fully into the experience and make him put himself in the skin of the protagonist more than through any other type of audiovisual production.

Introduce your client into the universe of your brand

Bergner, in its crusade to publicize its extensive collection of products in a different and original way, bet on the DeuSens Hyperexperience and new technologies, in this particular case Virtual Reality, with the aim of creating the unique universe of its brand and introduce its customers fully into it.

In this way, advertising became an immersive experience that surprised users capturing their attention completely. Undoubtedly, yet another reason to start introducing this technology in the creative process of companies, as it achieves a remarkable brand differentiation, deviating from all the other generic advertising impacts to which we are exposed every day as consumers

A Galactic Hyperexperience

When putting on the Virtual Reality glasses, users entered fully into a galactic Hyperexperience, becoming space pilots and teleporting into the interior of their ship.

After this, the Hyperexperience consisted of a trip around the universe Bergner, discovering in each of the planets that form it, & nbsp;the different product ranges of the brand, being able to see them and discover all its characteristics and peculiarities.

Another great factor that highlights the Virtual Reality as a new advertising method is the paradigm shift of brand-customer communication, which is becoming increasingly important in the relationship generated between the two parties is intimate and personal. And Bergner thus achieved its goal, connecting with its audience and showing their products in a commercial way but at the same time in an entertaining and disruptive way.



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