Seeing the future through VR | VidaCaixa Virtual Hyperexperience




VidaCaixa is the insurance subsidiary of CaixaBank. Its activity is focused on the design, management and marketing of life insurance and pension plans for individual and corporate clients. It was founded in 1987 and currently has more than 500 employees, occupying a leading position in the Spanish complementary social welfare market.


To carry out an original and innovative communication, during its annual convention for executives, that brings the world of social security closer to the public.


Inmersive Technologies

The communication of the future: creative and immersive

On this occasion, a group of executives wanted to show the rest of their colleagues the result of their work in a way that had never been done before. Weeks before the convention, they tried to imagine what the world of social welfare and insurance would be like in the future, specifically in 2020.

Thus, together we decided to show this futuristic vision by incorporating the latest technologies that exist in the market, creating the VidaCaixa Virtual Hyperexperience.

Together we proposed a situation in which a client, upon arriving home, had the possibility of putting on Virtual Reality glasses in which he could visualize a virtual assistant, who would inform him of what had happened during the day, contact his manager, the virtual assistant in charge of taking care of his elderly, and program dinner for that night. ... the possibilities were endless.

"Its executives participate, on an annual basis, in discussion groups in which future topics are discussed: artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, economy, society..."

Interaction with virtual content

The content was generated by mixing the real image with futuristic interfaces created in 3D production. The immersion was total. All managers lived the Virtual HyperExperience and experienced firsthand the future impact that their activity could have on homes.

This demonstration allowed them to anticipate the future and be aware of the responsibilities that their work entails. An immersive communication, which started from a creative communication, made it possible for them to feel and live any experience in first person.

No doubt, the generation of virtual content allows brands to create new forms of communication with the users, who in turn demand new ways of relating to brands. That is why Hyperexperiences such as these are so highly valued by customers, who find in them a new format, far from those that have traditionally been used until now.



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