10 technology trends in Trade Marketing (part 2)

10 technology trends in Trade Marketing (part 2)

A few weeks ago we told you about some of the 10 technology trends with which to generate big impacts within the point of sale. Today we bring you the continuation of these new ways to differentiate yourself from the competition.

10 technology trends for Trade Marketing


4. Voice-activated shopping

The appearance of products such as Google Home, Amazon Echo or HomePod have changed the search market. Voice shopping through these smart speakers, as well as personal assistants, promise to be the technology to work with the most in the coming years.

But why this shift? These are devices that make it easier to offer new or existing services in a personalized way. So they collect a wealth of data on consumer interests and preferences.

According to Google, 1 in 5 searches is already done by voice.

Both services represent a great opportunity to change the way in which information is communicated and processed. Of course, the SEO strategy is especially important. Searches will have to focus on long-tail keywords and mimic the user's natural language.



5. Data analytics

Today companies handle a huge amount of data. Connecting the online and offline world has great advantages for knowing more about our audiences. However, it also requires better organization and effort to make the most of them and better understand consumer needs.



Thus, retailers and brands must personalize their content and establish much closer relationships with their audiences. The solution lies in generating shared data that allows them to have a greater understanding of the field of action and points of improvement. As a result, this collaboration will generate more revenue for the company and keep the customer satisfied.

IMPORTANT! Ensuring the privacy and protection of the data of each of our audiences will make them have greater confidence in us. Transparency and trust will guarantee a better relationship between companies and consumers.


6. Extended Reality: VR + AR + MR

Technologies that appeal to our senses will be increasingly used at the point of sale. This is a way to stimulate the shopper during the buying process and make them experience new emotions.The goal is to create experiences that make a deep impression on the public. In such a way that it allows the retailer to add value to its business and leave an impression on the consumer. In other words, brand loyalty is generated to influence and motivate the consumer in future purchase decisions, regardless of the channel.

This is where immersive technologies play a key role. They are an ideal tool for:

  • Generating impactful experiences.
  • Improving the relationship between consumer and company.
  • Facilitating the work of workers.
  • Creating and monetizing digital products and services.

The possibilities are endless!

In this field Augmented Reality stands out the most. It is a fast and easy to use product, as well as being highly interactive. Anyone with a Smartphone can access it. And the production costs are affordable for any company.

At DeuSens we have some examples that have led our clients to increase their sales and their good image to the public. Like the AR strategy we developed for Campofrío or the App we created for Grandes Vinos.



7. Artificial Intelligence

In recent times, the retail sector has proven to be very innovative in its market propositions. All this added to the great technological changes for process improvement has led to seek new ways to improve.

Thus, an attractive value proposition to attract consumers and build loyalty is to bet on Artificial Intelligence.

Integrating AI as another leg of the digital strategy of companies brings a number of advantages:

  • Automate logistics and operations processes.
  • Capitalize data
  • Predict item demand.
  • Redesign the supply chain.
  • Enrich customer relationships.
  • Make marketing strategies much more effective.
  • Transform consumer experiences.

Some companies that have already taken the plunge to incorporate it have been Amazon, Levi's or The North Face, among others.

This is the second part of technological trends in Trade Marketing. In the next post we will know the rest of the technological trends. Stay tuned!


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